How was your stay at the place to - Be?

Thank you very much for your recent stay with us. We love that you stayed with us and we look forward to seeing you again. In order to provide you with an even nicer stay here next time, we would like to hear from you what you liked about our location, what could be better and what you missed.

Describe here what you liked about your stay at the place to - Be. What aspects of your stay did you appreciate the most? Are there specific things that stood out particularly positively?
Describe here what areas of improvement you have for our venue. What did not meet expectations? How can we improve it?
Describe here what you missed during your stay. Were there amenities you would have liked to have but were missing? Was there anything specific that would have made your stay more comfortable?
Would you recommend us to others?
Fill in the name of the organisation with which you had your stay with us